Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's been a full week since getting off facebook and let's just say...I'm now the ultimate housewife. I bake bread once a day and deliver it to the homeless. I read the scriptures and play the piano for an hour each. I workout for an hour and have read 7 books. My kids don't fight anymore because I spend the rest of my day giving them 100% quality time. :)
*Happy late April fools!*
Even though I don't do all of that, I will say that I have felt a major difference and honestly... I feel great! I do read a lot more (spiritual/temporal books) and do spend a lot more time with the kids...and the house is definitely a lot more clean than it used to be. Golly...I feel like I'm painting an awful picture of my life when I am on facebook but sadly, that was kind of the reality (which is why ANY addictions are b.a.d. because they draw you away from your loved ones).
I had seen an article about children and too much screen time and how it makes them super cranky and whatnot and the truth is, I'm pretty sure that's how it is with adults too (or at least in my case!) because when we get down to the ROOT of the's selfishness. I'd much rather "zone out" than be in the presence.
I am thankful for a brand new day every day to be even a LITTLE better than I was the day before. Even if it's just the smallest difference, at least (hopefully) I'm headed in the right direction on making my life (and those closest to me) truly happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha Lis i read the first few sentences and was all wow how is she doing that with three Kids and how many homless do they have there and then i had to go and for the last hour or so i was thinking about it all the time how good you are AND now i read the rest of it! I can't stopping to lough! You are to funny. But i'm with you on the Point that everyday has the right of the Chance to be better than the last one. I had some hard days the last days and i feel cranky and tired but i try to get up in the morning with the thoght that it will be a great day... doesn't work always but it makes me feel comfy:-)

    Bug Hugs your way!
