Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Power of Faith to Heal.

Must share a wonderful healing story that happened last night/early this morning. Towards bedtime, Kyra had been complaining of itching on her feet and behind her legs. I brushed it off and didn't think anything of it (guilty!). Then as time went by, I finally took a closer look at her and my heart jumped in my throat. She had a massive rash ALL over her body! My first thought was, "we need to rush her to the ER!", but I did my best to calm down and remember the healing tools that Heavenly Father has already blessed us with. Justin gave Kyra a priesthood blessing , and I used The Body Code (that we just purchased on Monday!) to locate the cause of the rash (it was mold/fungus-most likely caused by the sitting water in the swimming pool outside), and then slathered her with Maeluca, Oregano and Coconut Oil (which were some suggestions to use in my Essential Oil book). Thankfully Kyra was able to go to sleep fairly quickly after working on her, despite any discomfort she must have been feeling (HUGE blessing that this happened towards the end of the night so she could sleep through it instead of during the day and have to suffer).

I checked on her at 4 am and I was astounded! The rash was GONE. Completely GONE.

I am so deeply full of gratitude today to Heavenly Father and for the incredible healing tools that He has placed in our families path. It gives me *much* comfort to know that through the power of the priesthood and Christ-centered energy healing, we can use these tool to literally heal our family of illnesses (if it so be His will).

Right before all hell broke loose I had been listening to a replay of a lesson that was given at the Christ-centered Energy Healing Conference back in June on Spiritual Gifts. Some notes that I had taken that really stood out to me and little did I know, was prepping me for what was soon at hand:

"Faith is a principal of action and power and by it one can command elements and or heal the sick or influence any number of circumstances when occasion warrants." 

"Where there is truth faith, there are miracles, visions, dreams, healings and all the gifts of God that He gives to His saints." 

"Because of faith, we can change things a lot fast." 

I absolutely LOVE the path that I am on!  I know that when we all lived in the Pre-Existence that Heavenly Father and Jesus specifically taught me the things that I needed to know and learn for this earthy life. I have a specific mission to fulfill and gave me specific gifts and tools to be an instrument in His Hands. I am so thankful to have been sent to earth at THIS time! I have a great work to do!!

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