Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 2-Wealth

Decide to become a person who doesn't chase business. BE MAGNETIC! Become first what you want to be.

Master emotions. What is my brand? SMILE

Predetermine every day what your actions are going to be. Do what is right ALL the time. Be a source of inspiration.

Give people genuine compliments. The greatest blessings in life are those that we love.

Don't let the bad overshadow the good in the world.
Free people from emotional slavery. Trapped emotions-heart walls (which lead to poor choices)-result in a diminished life, in a destiny unreached.

Free people from financial slavery- poverty, false reality, lost opportunity, endless cycle of debt, not realizing potential.

Fulfill destiny. LIVE LIFE. Reprogram subconscious mind every day ("the script" from Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman).

Free people from health slavery - reliance on drugs/surgery, inability to live and enjoy a full life, fully experience life, needless suffering/premature death.

I am a being of LIGHT. I am divine. Don't limit myself. What I say and do makes a difference. Live my higher self. I am of infinite worth!!

Abundant health and energy- happiness and optimism

Do I deserve to have success? Do I deserve to have money? Have I accepted a lie about myself? Do I believe I am not capable? Do I believe I don't deserve?

Let go of the past. Much to learn. Healing is a tremendous value. Highest motivator is contribution.
Help recognize our value.

Apply knowledge, gifts and talents.

Doing nothing is a decision to be stagnant and to stay stuck.

Create more love. Create what you want. Make heart to heart connections. (I need to focus on releasing my own emotional baggage!)

Prayed about it and went forward with faith. Fear and faith cannot exist in the same space.

Diligently study. Acquire a system. Learn how to work with clients. Keep good records.
Change the world one person at a time. I AM committed to healing my relationships. Am I willing to do what it takes to reach goals?

Abundance-to be able to finally make what you are worth and live your life on your own terms.

A physician that changes nothing is worth nothing. Money is an exchange of goods. Let your intuition guide you. Tune into your heart.

My time is valuable! Positive focus creates opportunity. Be willing to let money flow to you. How much money flows to and from you is dependent on your mindset and your actions.

ABUNDANCE-love, faith, integrity, compassion, growth, collaboration, creativity
SCARCITY-fear, doubt, selfishness, resentment, resisting change, isolation, competition

Can I release something to nurture an abundance mindset? Actions-thoughts-influences-congruence-walking the talk

Abundance belongs to me. God creates what we need when we are ready for it. Need to be open to it. What will I do with my abundance?

Who will I be able to help? What impact can I have on the world with my abundance?

Get clear! Get specific! Abundances flows to me.

Love/gratitude bridges the cap. Abundance achieved through living as your highest self. Open heart. Harnessing an utilizing your hearts creative energy.

Empowers for us to help others. If there was no lack in my life, a full abundance, what would I do for the world?

A population that is kept in poverty is easily controlled (yikes!).  Deserving and embracing abundance.

Excitement to help people will attract them to you. Give more-receive more.

I was able to get a picture with Dr. Nelson! EEKK! I tried really hard to not act like a giddy school girl, but it was to no avail. I even gave him a hug after. EEKK!! I love how down to earth and friendly he is. When he wasn't speaking, he was out in the audience talking to anybody and everybody, and was so approachable. I'm pretty sure that I'm his biggest fan. ;)

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