When first hearing that Elder Nelson was coming to visit, I was beyond excited. The only other apostle that I have ever seen was Elder Richard G. Scott (my favorite!!) at Education Week at BYU in Prove Utah.... almost 8 years ago. I'll never forget the feeling that I felt as he walked into the room and stood at the pulpit to give a talk. My heart wanted to burst with love for him and I had no doubt that he was a special witness of the Savior and was indeed one of the apostles to the prophet.
General Conference talks by Elder Richard G. Scott
(Ethan's middle name is Scott, partly named after this great man).
A friend of mine posted on her facebook page how sad she was that she wasn't going to see Elder Nelson in person. I instantly thought, "Tss...I'm going to go anyways. "They" can not tell me what to do and I'm sure nobody would even notice us being there. How can "they" really expect us not to go and have the opportunity to hear directly from an apostle of the Lord?!" Then at church the next Sunday, a member of the bishopric read a letter from the Stake Presidency that specifically asked us not to go due to there not being enough room at the Stake Center for all wards to attend. I couldn't help but shed tears of pure disappointment because I so desired to go. And then it hit me...In these days, following the Prophet and those that have the Priesthood authority to guide and direct this church is critical. My life may even one day depend upon following the Prophet and those that have the authority to guide and direct us. If I can't obey in smaller instructions (not going to the stake center to see Elder Nelson), what makes me think that I'll follow the Prophet when bigger and harder instructions come? I made a firm decision right then and there that as disappointing as it was, we were going to follow the counsel we were given and just watch the Stake meeting at our local church building. I know that we'll be blessed for our obedience. I don't have to see the Prophet in person or see the 12 apostles in order to know that they truly are called of God to lead The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in these days. I will say though...it is on my bucket list to go to General Conference one of these days. :-D
Thanks Janelle for your example!!
Stake Conference is going to be a great meeting no matter what and I look forward to hearing what Elder Nelson needs/wants to say to us. Stay tuned! I'll be sure to take lots of notes. ;)
Short Biography of Elder Nelson

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