Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Journey Has Begun

On facebook, I have a friend that posted a link to a telesummet called The Vibrant LDS Woman and one of the speakers was Karol. K Truman, author of Feelings Buried Alive Never Die. I have recently read her book and I don't go ANYWHERE without it! I have only half applied the tool that she has in her book to reprogram thoughts/feelings and it has already made a drastic change in our family. I'm embarrassed to say this...but I went from spanking ALL of the time, to not having spanked in at least two months. I can not even begin to explain how GOOD that feels! I'm not against disciplining, but I am against disciplining out of anger (which I was doing...). I am excited to start using her simple tool way more often and I whole heartily welcome with opens arms the exciting emotional and physical changes that are going to happen in our family.
Side note: I have NO DOUBT that there is going to come a time where we are going to need to be prepared in temporal (food supply for at least 3 months) and financial matters ( having money set aside for a rainy day). To take that a step further, I've always had the feeling that it's going to be very important to know how to take control of our health in our own hands as well. We're not always going to be able to rely on doctors etc to make us healthy. I feel like Heavenly Father is putting many tools in place for us to be able to do just that.
One great aspect of the telesummet is that every speaker offers a free gift. Karol offered to have a FREE session with people who called her!!! What an incredible opportunity of a LIFE time!! How often is it that you get to speak to one of your favorite authors and who has made a lasting impact on your life!?!? I am just blown away with her generosity because a regular session with her is $125! I was honored to be able to speak with her for 45 minutes and the direction she gave me was DIVINE.
My heart is full and I am so deeply thankful for the spirit that was placed in me that is teachable and willing/wanting to learn so much more about everything that Karol teaches and does for other people. I feel like Feelings Buried Alive Never Die and The Emotion Code go hand in hand.
I was once given a blessing where it was said that the area of activity that I go into will be FUN and sure enough, all of what I am learning right now IS a lot of fun and I can't wait to learn more. :-D

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