Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ethan loves wearing Kyra's shoes...
They are as girly as girly shoes can get.

Haha I guess the "duck face look" starts when they are young!

Every now and then I'm nice and let them get away with their bedtime
and let them sleep in the same space.
OH! I just remembered. It was Christmas Eve, so I let them stay up
and go to bed when they were tired.
*very rare*
My first time cooking a full chicken. I was so grossed out
when it came to removing the stuff on the inside...*gag*.
But I felt SO accomplished!!!
Growing up, we had chickens, and they were PETS.

I am now addicted to cooking whole chickens.

Justin is such a great dad! He loves playing with the kids.
He was teaching them how to make a castle.
Blocks are *the best* toys.

I adore my little Maxwell Wade.

A rare moment. Kyra went to bed BEFORE 8pm.
Lately she has been going to bed past 11pm...
We're having sleep problems. My gut feeling is that
she is very afraid of going to sleep. I think she has bad dreams
because she'll wake up just crying and scared.

He just KNOWS how to melt my heart.

I got BANGS and colored my hair super dark again.
Justin really wasn't digging the high lights. I wasn't either...
And a change in look is always fun. :) 


  1. I love love love your hair! It makes your eyes even more prettier than their are anyways!

    And your Kids??? They get so big! Auntie Tamara has to come and stop them to grow:-)

  2. Thank you, Tamara!!! It was time for a change. :D And when I look back with picture of me with some sort of bang, I really like it!

    YES! I can't wait for you to meet my kids AND husband. What a special day that will be!
