Wednesday, March 12, 2014

During "nap" time, Max was playing in Kyra's room and
next thing I know, he comes walking out in a dress.

Ethan is wearing Kyra's new pajamas.
I'm getting the feeling that Kyra is wanting/needing
a little sister to play dress up with.
She actually talks about her little sister a lot.
I already know that another little one is ready to come, but
the feeling I get is that there is no rush. That he/she is willing to
be patient and wait until I am ready. I have a good feeling that when Max
turns two, then we'll work on brining this special spirit into our family.
Gets me excited thinking about it. But for now...I am thoroughly enjoying
mommy hood with just my three sweet babies.
I find it interesting because for me, having three kids has been easier than
having two or even one.


  1. Kyra with the makeup! She is going to be a KNOCKOUT! I'm just curious about your comment that 3 has been easier? (Cause Rowan makes me crazy and i'm often thinking "WHAT ARE WE DOING HAVING ANOTHER?" Just wanting to pick your brain on that comment!

    1. So...I don't know if this will bother you or not when I say this BUT...I completely understand!! When Kyra was born, I had DEEP/DARK ugly depression (postpartum blues) and I *HATE* being a mom. I HATED the responsibility and what not. I was even put in a mental hospital for a few days because it got to the point of Kyra's life being in danger. When she was about 6 months, we had the feeling that it was time for another baby. WHAT?! Are you kidding me???? I was drowning with just one, how could we handle two??? Well, thankfully by the time I had Ethan, I knew a little bit more what to do and what not to do that helped out a little. And those learning experiences helped even more when Max was born. Also, I think because I have had three so close together that Heavenly Father knew I NEEDED to have a super easy kid. Max has been SO EASY. Of course there are *those* moments where I'm in tears wondering what the FLIPP we were thinking of having three kids so fast, but I feel that way less and less as time goes on. It's like we have been so used to being in the thick of things that somehow it just gets easier.
