Wednesday, June 11, 2014

In a week from now I will be on my way to Utah for the Christ centered energy healing conference that
I am crazy excited about. I already have all my classes picked out and am eager to learn all that I possibly can.

In the meantime, I am taking the Energy Healing Basics Clean and Simple in which I am learning:

  • How science backs up the field of Energy Healing.
  • The seven energy systems, including the Chakra system, which may be the only one you’re familiar with – so far.
  • Quick and easy exercises to keep your own energy balanced and running optimally.
  • How to flip your limiting self-doubts into powerful, positive affirmations.
  • My personal formula for manifesting health, wealth and joy, and how you can use for your clients and yourself.
  • We all pick up information differently via audio, visual or other references. Learn to trust and live from the way that is most natural for you.
  • Why some people light up a room and others suck it dry!
  • A great technique to quickly dispel stress anytime, anywhere.

  • Module 1: Good, Good, Good Vibrations and how YOUR vibes work with the Law of Attraction
  • Module 2: Your Amazing Energy System: Chakras, Aura, Meridians…and that’s not all!
  • Module 3: Listen to the Wisdom of your Body – how to interpret what it’s saying. Also learn empowering exercises to keep your energy grounded and balanced.
  • Module 4: Intuition ~ Connecting With Your Gifts. Learn to value the way YOU process information whether through visual, auditory, feeling, or a combination of many ways.
  • Module 5: Q & A – Listen to Carolyn answer commonly asked questions about energy healing work.

  • After completing this, then I'll be able to go to a 4 day intensive training where I will learn much MUCH more. That may be a little down the road, but hopefully by 2015 I'll be able to go.

    One of the biggest things that I have learned this past year is COURAGE and not fearing what other people may think of my goals and dreams. With that being said, I 100% believe in Energy Healing and am loving the journey that it has taken me on. I've been interested in this kind of stuff for years, just didn't know that there were actually practices for it (The Emotion Code and Simply Healed to name a couple). I have always had the desire to help others be happier/healthier/freer and I *know* that I have found my calling in life (besides being a wife and mother!). I feel like Heavenly Father has been leading me to people that would help me along this journey. It truly has been precept upon precept and now the doors are opening WIDE. Next week I get to go to a CHRIST centered energy healing conference in Utah and I am going to take as many notes as I possibly can. I am full of gratitude to those wonderful people that have been willing to let me practice on them as I work on getting certified in The Emotion Code (*Thank you!* Thank you!*). Life truly is delightful and I am honored to be living at THIS time in the worlds history.


    1. Hey Lis

      That's awsome! I want to hear more about it and i would love about your experiences and how you use it in everyday life! I think this is something good for a lot of People! I like the way you think and please tell me the answer of that question:

      •Why some people light up a room and others suck it dry

      I'd like to be a lighting up Person:-)

      I love what you wrote about Courage. Nobody should be feared of telling their dreams. i even think that you'd say what you think and feel in a lot more situations in your life that most People do. Saying nothing to something may not cause Problems but do not help either. And Kind of it has to do with honesty. Can you be honest if your not saying what you feel? I don't think so BUT sometimes you just don't say something because you don't want to hurt - thats okay. AND if you don't care what others say and think about you you Need to be prepared that somebody will confront you with his/her thoughts and they maybe hurt sometimes!

      For me it's a way that works i say what i think:-)

      I'm gonna order the emotional code and read it. So that we can TALK about it:-)

      I love you sis and Keep me updated!

    2. Tamara! When you order The Emotion Code, you should also order Feelings Buried Alive Never Die! The two go hand in hand and have been life changing books for me. :) Let me know what you think!!

      I think it's a very good thing to be open and honest, as long as you're not being hurtful. ;D People skills are the most important skills to have!

      When it comes to not "caring what other people think" it's kind of a double edge sword. I wouldn't walk down the road naked (heaven forbid!) because "I don't care what people think" but at the same time, it's important not to hold back on your dreams because you're worried what other people will think.

      The people who light up a room are the type of people who are positive. People may not know your thoughts, but they can FEEL them. So if you're around someone who is thinking happy thoughts, you'll get a happy vibration/energy from them. And vise versa. Someone who is super negative and thinking ugly thoughts, you can feel that too. Interesting, huh? I love you too! We need to SKYPE so that I can SHOW you how The Emotion Code process works. It's super simple and yet so effective.
