The past few days have been INTENSE and I feel like my emotions have been high and low. On Tuesday evening I was dropped off at the airport to catch my flight to Utah. My excitement to finally be on my trip was an all time high. I was going to miss the kids but I knew that they were in good hands, and what I would be learning on this trip was critical for my growth.
As I was waiting for my first flight, we were all told that the plane would be arriving an hour late. That meant that I would just barely miss my connecting flight. I prayed with everything that I had that by some miracle, I'd still be able to catch my flight...or else I wouldn't be getting to Utah until around 11:30 the next day. I'd end up missing basically one day of the event that I had been eagerly awaiting to attend. I had planned on soaking up every split second of this convention that I possibly could.
Earlier Tuesday morning, I had watched a video of Elder David A. Bednar speak with a small group of woman and the main question was, "Is it OK to expect and pray for miracles?" and his answer was "yes!!" then he went on to share this story:
"Describing a faithful young couple, married only three weeks when the husband was diagnosed with bone cancer, Elder Bednar related several journal entries written by them. They expressed the “eternally important lessons” learned through the difficult and challenging experiences associated with the cancer. Elder Bednar told of visiting this couple in the hospital, being asked to give a priesthood blessing, and asking the husband an unplanned but inspired question. “If it is the will of our Heavenly Father, do you have the faith not to be healed?”
As Elder Bednar counseled with this faithful couple, they “increasingly understood” that a blessing of healing could only be received if they had the faith not to be healed and were “willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [them]” (Mosiah 3:19).
“In other words, they needed to overcome, through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, the ‘natural man’ tendency in all of us to demand impatiently and insist incessantly on the blessings we want and believe we deserve,” Elder Bednar explained. “We recognized a principle that applies to every devoted disciple: strong faith in the Savior is submissively accepting of His will and timing in our lives—even if the outcome is not what we hoped for or wanted.”
Elder Bednar shared the words of the young husband from his journal: “Having faith is not necessarily knowing that God would heal me, but that He could heal me. I had to believe that He could, and then whether it happened was up to Him. As I allowed those two ideas to coexist in my life, focused faith in Jesus Christ and complete submission to His will, I found greater comfort and peace.”
Elder Bednar then instructed, “Even with strong faith, many mountains will not be moved. And not all of the sick and infirmed will be healed. If all opposition were curtailed, if all maladies were removed, then the primary purposes of the Father’s plan would be frustrated.”
After landing in Dallas and facing the reality that I wouldn't be making it to Utah until the next day, instead of at 11pm as originally planned, I was struggling with bitter disappointment and wondered why God didn't grant me the miracle of being able to make my connecting my flight. My stay in Utah was already short enough as it was (just two full days) and even that was cut short. The words "Do you have the faith NOT to be healed?" kept running through my head and it was a perfect time to apply that message to myself. Do I have the faith to NOT catch my connecting flight and still have faith in God's perfect plan for me? I feel like the lessons I was supposed to be learning was lessons in faith, trust, and patience. I think that in the future I'll have to literally rely on the Lord for my life so experiences like this are just practice tests. Hopefully I passed. :)
I also saw this on facebook which I felt was speaking directly to me:
"He will place in your path pockets of spiritual sunlight to brighten your way.
They often come after the trial has been the greatest, as evidence of the compassion and love of an all-knowing Father. They point the way to greater happiness and more understanding, and they strengthen your determination to accept and be obedient to His will."
They often come after the trial has been the greatest, as evidence of the compassion and love of an all-knowing Father. They point the way to greater happiness and more understanding, and they strengthen your determination to accept and be obedient to His will."
I really feel like Heavenly Father was mindful of ME and sent this message of hope and love in my time of discouragement.
A dream I had also came to my mind as I was going through all of this. A couple weeks ago I dreamt that I had missed part of First Steps To Success, and those that have been know how important every minute is. So looking back, I feel like Heavenly Father was trying to prepare me for this experience.
I had called one of my dearest friends, Breeana, to tell her what was going on and she reminded me to have a heart full of gratitude for whatever happened. She also told me about the UTA bus transportation so that I'd have a way to make it to Ogden "just in case" my miracle wasn't granted. Thank goodness for plan B! My sister, Kristy, who was going to the event with me, said that she would wait to pick me up at the airport and we'd go together, but I didn't feel good at all making her miss half of the event just because of me. I did appreciate her thoughtfulness and willingness to do so though!
I was deeply thankful that I was compensated for missing my connecting flight. They put me up in the Gaylord resort, which is supposedly around $400 a night (YIKES!), paid for a taxi to and from the hotel, and paid for dinner and breakfast. That was a huge tender blessing! Sleeping in a downfeathered bed was much lovelier than sleeping in an airport with "dirty old men" (inside joke with Uncle Dave and Kristy).
Finally made it to Utah. Now I just had to figure out how to make it to Ogden by using the transportation system. I was stressed out and frazzled at this point. Anyone who knows me knows that I can get lost...even with a map! Drives me nuts. To make matters worse, my phone was completely dead so I had no way of getting in touch with anybody that I knew. I had gotten onto the train and ended up getting off at the wrong stop. After a good hard cry and a few "WHY ME's!?" and "What the HECK am I doing here!?" I was able to talk with someone who pointed me in the right direction. I got back on the train, got off a few stops later, then got on another train that took me to Ogden (which is about an hour away from the airport in Salt Lake City).
I was so relieved and thrilled to finally be at the energy healing event! I had made it!! My sister, Kristy, said I looked shell shocked when she first saw me. :)
The only class that I was able to catch that day was Dr. Nelson's class, talking about The Emotion Code and The Body Code. He was one of the main people that I wanted to see so the trip had all be worth it. Dr. Nelson is beautiful and I was so giddy! I even got to shake his hand and introduce myself. Whoot whoot! It was fun being able to tell him that I just completed The Emotion Code certification. to learn more. ;D
After that days event, we went and did a session at the Salt Lake City Temple. I have always wanted to go into that temple but had never had the opportunity until this time around. It was absolutely beautiful inside! I'm thankful that Kristy and I had made it a high priority to visit the Temple and do a session. It was well worth the time! If you're curious as to what goes on inside Temples and the importance of them, I'd highly encourage you to watch the 15 minute video. It would be well worth your time and would answer a lot of questions that you may have. :)
The next day, we got to the event pretty much right when it started. I am not even going to begin to go into detail with everything that I learned because 1. it would take too long and 2. it just isn't the same explaining it as it is experiencing it. But here are the descriptions of the classes I took:
1. Courtney Beardall: This class will talk about protection and safety for energy workers. Helping others to accept the correct source of help, and protecting yourself from "taking it on" when you offere help will keep you feeling energized and excited about energy work.
(I REALLY needed this class! I have learned that I am an empathizer. I had worked on one of my sisters that had an eye infection what do you kids and I ended up having an eye infection for like TWO weeks. No Bueno).
2. Carolyn Cooper: With nearly twenty years working professionally in this field offers 12 guidelines that will make your journey in this wonderful world of energy healing more grounded, authentic and enjoyable. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or brand new, Carolyn's insights and experiences will help you navigate this often misunderstood path.
3. Karol Truman: Karol will be exploring unusual simple truths with us that when applied in our daily lives can create a major difference in our mortal probation.
4. Rick Hopkins: Learn how to perceive, feel (potentially) and see energy! This class is taught through hands on demonstrations and class involvement. See, perceive and feel energy. Learn simple directed energy healing methods. Be taught skills of meditation and prayer, visualization and imagination.
Oh...and the keynote address by Kimberly Watts was extremely powerful! I should have brought tons of Kleenex with me. I'm such a crier. "Energy Healing can be an incredible vehicle to help understand the value of another human being. To see and feel compassion and love for another is one of the greatest attributes we can acquire. We can become, in a sense, co-creators with God as we help lift, instruct and lighten the load of His children. We each have something to offer that no one else can give. As we embrace each others differences and realize what a GIFT that is, we push the adversary out of the equation and reach for a higher goal. To follow the Light, our Savior Jesus Christ and Be the Good."
Matthew 7:16-20
King James Version (KJV)
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
After the event, Kristy and I met up with JoAnn, another sister of ours (there are 6 girls all together), at the Creekside Mall for dinner. It was fun having all three of us together, even if it was just for an hour or so. I just LOVE all of my sisters!! We had Subway and just walked around a little bit. I also had to show them my favorite Cologne (besides the one that Justin uses...of course). Justin refuses to wear it because he thinks it smells girly but w.o.w. It's divine and I can instantly smell it if a guy is wearing it. Anyways...
We headed back to my aunt/uncles house and chatted with them for a little bit before heading off to bed. Can I just confess something? I LOVE VISITING UTAH!!! I would *LOVE* to live there. Love LOVE to live there. But it'll probably happen because 1. Justin does NOT like Utah (at least has no desire to ever live there) and 2. I just feel like the Lord wants us where we are at right now. Maybe one day?? I can always pretend, right? :)
I was supposed to catch my flight at out 6am which would land me home at 11 but alas, I had yet one more test to go through to get home. I got a call around midnight saying that my flight had been changed and that I'd be leave at 8 and flying to phoenix Arizona with a 3 hour layover, and getting into San Antonio at 5. haha wow. The day was super long but I eventually made it home. When it all comes down to it, there is no place like home...and home is wherever Justin and the kids are. I adore my family and I am excited to APPLY all of the things that I had learned at the conference. I feel like a much better person for having gone.
I will forever be thankful for Justin's incredible support and for encouraging me to chase my dreams and better myself, which in turn allows me to be a better mother and wife. I'm thankful for Alexis, our new found babysitter who was a LIFE SAVER while I was gone, and "Uncle" Harvey for helping out as well! We truly are blessed and are being Divinely watched out for.
Hei Sis
ReplyDeleteYour post is so Long i had to read it in three steps:-) I love to read your thoughts because it's so honest and sometimes i can "hear" you saying something! The Emocional Code Book came last week but i didn't start it yet. i want to have time for it and then we can write about it:-) I'm excited to do so.
Your flights look like never been "normal". But you are so brave! I love Airports. I think i could live there. Thats a place with a thousand diffrent emocions. Happyfaces of People going to vacation, sad faces of the ones staying here, excited faces of the waiting ones or the stressy Business ones. I could sit there and look at them all for hours... Sunday the 6th i'm the one that has to whatch my brother and his Family go - they are going to be in the USA for 3 weeks or. I'm excited to be the one left alone:-) It's even fun to make Little stories about the People you see. Where are they from? Where do they go ect... But of course if i would miss my flight i would probably have a good cry too:-)
Love and kisses
Haha Well, it took me like 2 hours to write it!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm excited to hear what you think of The Emotion Code. Reading the book and how he explains everything just makes so much sense!
I love airports to and for the exact reason that you said! It's the excitement in the air that people are experiencing (hopefully).