Tuesday, November 22, 2016

We are all just so in love with Mr. William. He is in the smiling stage and it melts my heart every time. I love watching his eyes go from no expression to pure joy and happiness when I am smiling at him. It's addicting! William is SO YUMMY. I just want to EAT him. He is a pure love magnet. We literally can't help but kiss and love on him all day long. He makes me want to have 100 babies!

Max's 4th birthday is on Friday and it's been fun building up the excitement for it. We are not having a big party or anything but still fun to say, "your birthday is in a few days!". We went to the store today and he was so excited to tell everyone that would listen that his birthday is coming up. I sure do love that kid! He loves giving me kisses.

Ethan will be going to kindergarten next year. I've been trying to work with him on school things to get him ready but there isn't much of an interest...yet. I think by the time kindergarten comes around he'll be ready (at least I hope!).
I just have to share a tender mercy that Ethan received last week. So....we haven't taken the kids to the dentist..ever.. and I finally got around to making an appointment for all of them last Monday. We get to the dentist and the kids are excited as all get out, especially Ethan because he's had a decayed tooth for a really long time and we've been telling him that we'll take him to the dentist to get it fixed. Anyway, we show up to the appointment and the lady was like, "we actually don't take your insurance..". Oh... that would have been nice to know. There is NOTHING worse than building up your children's excitement for an event, only to have it fall through. It's heartbreaking. Ethan's eyes welled up with tears and was like, "I have a lot of quarters that you can use, mom!" Ugh. Talk about heart crushing! I called around to other dentists in the area to see if we could get in and there was ONE dentist who took our insurance that had an opening that same day in an hour from then. AHH! I was so very thankful that we were still at least able to get Ethan in. The interesting thing is is that Kyra and Max had to be scheduled out another two weeks because there were not any openings until then. I couldn't help but feel that Heavenly Father was mindful of my sweet little Ethan.
Ethan has to get some extensive work done on his bad tooth and so we took him to another dentist to get an exam and the next opening isn't until the END of January. :/ As we were getting ready to leave the office, the receptionist stopped me and said that they were able to find an opening at the end of December. Once again, I felt like Heavenly Father was mindful of Ethan and was looking out for him. I love little tender mercies like that that let me know that God truly is in the details of our lives. I'm excited to get this tooth fixed. It has weighed heavy on my moms heart for way too long. I'm thankful that as yucky as the tooth looks that at least it isn't causing Ethan any pain.

Kyra isn't doing very well in school. :( I sure hope we can get her grades up! I think if there isn't any improvement from now until Christmas break, we'll talk more about pulling her out of school and home schooling. I was able to find an online christian school that I think would be a great fit for us. They provide the teachers, grading, curriculum and all that so all we'd have to do is print out the paper, do the work, scan it back in and we're good to go. That is the type of home schooling I could do. Coming up with my own curriculum just wouldn't work...at least not for the first year of home schooling.

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