Thursday, January 26, 2017

Weigh Down

I can't contain my excitement any more and I just want to shout it to the whole world....


This has been a HUGE struggle for me ever since I was 12 (I was in 6th grade and it was the day that every one was weighed. I was 110 lbs and everyone else was still around 90 lbs. Apparently I created the belief then and there that I was fat and ugly...and that darn belief has stuck with me throughout all these years).

High school was brutal on my self esteem. I was always "bigger" than all my friends and I compared the heck out of myself to them. My journal is really really sad to read...I passionately DESPISED myself. What I would give to be able to go back in time, with the perspective that I have now, and just give that girl a big big hug and tell her that her self esteem is NOT based on her weight and grades (I failed with flying colors the ACT...TWICE...haha...and was never an A student).

Every new year for my resolutions was to release 20/30 lbs. How hard could that really be, right?? I remember my senior year for the weight lifting class, I made a goal to release 5 lbs that semester...and no matter how much I exercised (2 hours a day/5 days a week), the weight was NOT coming off.

I have tried so many different weight loss products (at least 5 of the most popular ones out there) and success. What the heck!? Even though I would go through periods of times where I would exercise and hour a day for 6 days a week (for three solid months) and eat SUPER super healthy...nothing. nadda.

I could go on and on into more of my experience, but I think you get the point.

I WAS FED UP WITH DIETS! I just want to be healthy and fit!

At the end of December, someone in a group that I am a part of, created a new group around this book called Weigh Down and I was like, what the heck...I'll see what it is all about and give it a try.
I am just beside myself with pure joy and will forever be eternally grateful to Stephanie for creating the group and introducing me to Weigh Down. Here are the basics:

-Weigh Down is showing people, on a daily basis, how our God can transform their hearts and minds so that they can rise above the magnetic pull of the refrigerator!
-...encourages you to focus on your natural, internal hunger control but more importantly, ***your focus will be trained to turn toward the will of God as it relates to food!***
-This book emphasizes God's power, not "will power."
-With God's help, you can learn to stop in the middle of a meal and have no desire to eat the second half IF you stomach is satisfied! God did not put chocolate or lasagna or real blue cheese dressing on earth to torture us, but rather for our enjoyment. However, He wants us to learn how to rise above the magnetic pull of the refrigerator so that food does not consume our lives.
-*****Feed the stomach ONLY when it growls and stop feeding when it is satisfied (not stuffed). Using food to fill the hear leads to overweight."
-1. Relearn how to fee the stomach only when it is truly hungry.
-2. Relearn how to feed or nourish the longing human soul with a relationship with God.
-3.Relearn how to recognize the different "hunger" urges and not confuse them.
-God does hope that your slavery to diets and overweight will make you call out to Him. ...He wants you to depend on Him for deliverance so you can see how mighty He is and how important you are to Him.
-The Weigh Down approach fixes the heart first, and the body follows. (from the book)

I have been taught how to truly listen to my body and I only eat when I am truly hungry. The problem before is that even though I was eating really healthy and good foods, I was WAY overeating. I'd eat every two hours AND snack in between. I was never allowing my body to digest what I had previously eaten. Now? I can go a good 5/6+ hours without eating and feel perfectly fine. I'm not obsessed or consumed with the thought of food. I've only been doing this for almost a month now so I still have a long long ways to go, but I am seeing miracles unfold. My milk supply is still strong, I have WAY more energy (I went to bed the other night at 2 am...and wasn't tried at all the next day), I don't snack, I can eat a few pieces of chocolate and be totally satisfied.

Speaking of chocolate...that's probably one of my favorite things about this new way of life. I can STILL eat chocolate, as long as it is in the bounds of being politely full while eating! There is NO MORE GUILT about eating chocolate! I can eat chocolate and STILL release weight!

In fact, I have released 7 lbs this month!!! I am one lbs LESS than my pre-pregnancy weight with William (baby number four). The pants that I just bought a few weeks ago are now way loose!! I AM SO EXCITED!

I LOVE that this is ALL about turning our hearts TOWARDS HEAVENLY FATHER. God WANTS us to succeed!! "The motivation to be thin is not vanity--it is natural. God has programmed us to want the best for our bodies." When I read that, I was in complete tears. You mean, it's ok with God that I desire to be thin!?!? You mean...He is going to actually help me release weight!?! You guys, it really doesn't get better than that. I have God on my team and He is truly helping and supporting me. I am SHREDDING this weight and am finally learning how to truly rely on God for support. He has designed our bodies a certain way and releasing weight is not complicated. It's just following His simple rules and staying within His guidelines (and you can still eat chocolate!!!). :-D :-D :-D If you want to learn more, I would highly suggest buying the book Weigh Down Diet by Gwen..? I promise, it WILL change your life and you WILL see results if you follow the simple principles. God wants YOU to succeed. Let Him be your teammate in accomplishing your weight release goals. "We had to exhaust every available weight loss method created by man before we would finally ask God to help."-from the book. That hit me hard because unfortunately it was so true for me.  If you want to learn more, I would highly suggest buying the book Weigh Down Diet by Gwen..? and joining the FB group that I am a part of (I'll send you the link if you're interested. If anything, just be in there and watch how these principles are changing peoples lives). A friend of mine in the group has already released 11 lbs this month. It works!! I promise, it WILL change your life and you WILL see results if you follow the simple principles. God wants YOU to succeed. Let Him be your teammate in accomplishing you weight release goals.

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