Tuesday, August 5, 2014

For the past year, my parents have been talking about taking a trip to come and see us here in Texas. They'd be coming out for their 40 year anniversary and it would be extra special because it would be the first time my dad had ever been able to come and visit since the 7 years Justin and I have been married. Needless to say, I was extremely excited. It was a fairly quick trip since my dad could only take off so much time off from work and instead of flying, they were driving. They got here late Saturday night and left on Tuesday morning. It's always so hard saying goodbye, but hopefully we'll be able to take a trip out to Arizona sooner or later. I'd love to get together for Thanksgiving this year and have a Robinson family reunion. It's been a long time since we've ever anything specifically with my 5 siblings (Tamara/ Marc/ Lena should come too!).

Dad and Justin went to the grocery store Saturday night to pick up a roast and some other foods for the famous "Robinson dinner", while mom and I went through the two boxes that they brought for me. The first box was all of my baby stuff...first hospital outfit, welcome cards, hospital papers...you name it! I felt very honored that she had kept all of that for so many years (26 to be exact!). My mom is an excellent record keeper, something that definitely was not handed down to me as a gift...

(The picture doesn't do the rocks justice)

I was also given a rock collection that my great grandpa had put together. As we were going through the collection, I couldn't help but feel honored to have such a rich heritage. I don't mean rich as in money, but rich as in having ancestors who loved the gospel and passed that on the best that they could.

Sunday we went to church and I was kind of sad because it was our last time meeting together with all of those people we have come to be friends with over the past year. The two wards in our town have been realigned/boundaries changed, and our family along with a few others, are being moved over into the other ward.. Bitter sweet for sure. I'm sad that we won't be seeing our friends every week, but I am excited...and ready, for a new change and to make new friends. I wonder what my new calling will be!?
When we came home from church, mom and dad made the famous homemade meal and I was in heaven! It brought me right back to my childhood...and I loved every minute of that. Every Sunday, without fail, we'd have a special big meal and I loved that tradition! Unfortunately, Justin and I have yet to get with it and start our own Sunday meal tradition. We had a roast, mashed potatoes, mom's famous gravy, green beans and corn. "Yummy Yummy to the Tummy", as I like to say to the kids. Then we had ice cream...of course!

We wanted to give them a anniversary gift so we surprised them with a nice bed and breakfast. It was located on the rive and it was stunningly beautiful! I'd love to go there with Justin some time and spend the entire day just relaxing and enjoying nature. After dinner, we drove them to it and enjoyed being able to check it out for ourselves for a little bit. It was hard to leave and go back to reality. ;)

On Monday, my dad built Kyra/Ethan/Max/future kids a doll house. Dad had built a doll house for my sister Melissa when we were kids and I *LOVED* that doll house! I vividly remember playing with it for h.o.u.r.s at a time. It had always been a dream of mine for my dad to build my kids a doll house that they would treasure throughout their childhood. He didn't disappoint! I'm thankful that my dad has always been a handy man and can build stuff out of thin air.

Later that evening we went and saw the movie America, in theater and I would highly recommend anybody and everybody to support this movie IN theater! Every single person needs to see this message that was presented and plant it in their heart. I LOVE being an American and I LOVE my country! It scares me the direction that we are heading in as a country and it is going to be up to YOU and ME to try to stand up for truth and righteousness, no matter what opposition will will face. Oh how I wish that I was a great writer and could fully capture how I feel in my heart and soul, especially on this matter...but I am not a great writer so I'll just say...see the movie as SOON as you can. You won't regret it. And then I would love to hear what you thought of it! :-D

One last thought on all that ^^^ was I saw a meme on facebook that said "Where are all our Captain Moroni's!?" We desperately need them! Here is my favorite verse in the Book of Mormon about Captain Moroni:

 And Moroni was a strong and a mighty man; he was a man of a perfect understanding; yea, a man that did not delight in bloodshed; a man whose soul did joy in the liberty and the freedom of his country, and his brethren from bondage and slavery;

 12 Yea, a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God, for the many privileges and blessings which he bestowed upon his people; a man who did labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people.
 13 Yea, and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ, and he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion, even to the loss of his blood.
Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.

Can you imagine if the current President of the United States was even HALF the man Captain Moroni was?! We'd be in a much much better place. 

To read more about this incredible leader Captain Moroni was, please read https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/48.17?lang=eng. 

After the movie, the kids and I went to my parents hotel and swam in the indoor pool for a little bit (which ended up being less than 20 min...it was freezing!!!). Unfortunately Justin was gone all day and wasn't able to spend any time with us due to needing to work. I am thankful that he is such a hard worker. Thankful thankful. After we swam, we went back to the hotel for a little bit and watched Men In Black. It has been so long since I've seen that movie. As we were on our way out, Kyra got her fingers stuck in the elevator door. :( I was surprised because while she was crying, a man instantly came out of his room to see if everything was OK. He even quickly got us some ice that we could put on her fingers. I was very touched with his concern and willingness to help out any way he could. Kyra ended up being fine and not too badly hurt...thank goodness! I think it was probably more scary than it was painful. Whew! 

Today they came over first thing in the morning and I showed them The Emotion Code and went through the process a couple of times, and then they were off! They were wanting to get an early start to visit Temple Texas where my great grandfather was born and visit some other ancestral sites. They definitely have a passion for our family history. 

I am having a I-want-to-cry-because-I-miss-my-mommy-and-daddy moment. :( They are two of my most favorite people and I am so deeply thankful for the beautiful relationship that I have with them. I'm grateful that they made the trip out to visit us. I miss them already and hope that its not too long till I see them again. I'm excited for Heaven, for when we don't ever have to say goodbye and we can see each other as often as we'd like (at least...that's how I hope it will be!). :) 

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