Thursday, May 25, 2017

William is basically sleeping through the night and has been for the past three weeks! This is a BIG DEAL because before then, he was waking up around 7+ times a kidding...and sometimes he would be up for a couple of HOURS. Justin gave me a priesthood blessing one day (feeling very overwhelmed with life and all that fun stuff) and in it was said that I need to have healthy boundaries and it's ok to say no. I thought that was really interesting because I already felt like I had healthy boundaries.. but a couple nights after that blessing, I was getting William to sleep and laid him in his pack-n-play and as usual, he woke up and started crying. In the past I had always picked him up right away but this time I had a feeling that I should just let him cry and see how that goes. He ended up only crying for a few minutes (which before I had thought if I let him cry that he'd cry and cry for an hour). That night I ended only waking up twice with him. AH! and then the night before he slept through the ENTIRE night! I can't even begin to explain how nice is it to be getting more sleep now.
He is also taking much longer naps during the day too. I feel like I am in a really good space with him when it comes to sleep (which sleep is usually such a struggle when it comes to babies...).

William will be 9 months on the 2nd! It's amazing how fast the time flys by. He is crawling all over the place and even likes to climb the stairs...yikes! The kids still love to hold him and love on him. They are great mommy helpers!! It's fun having older kids to help out with the baby.
He is a foodie. He wants to eat every single thing that I or anyone else is eating. He's pretty much has been interested in food since four months but I tried to hold him off until at least 6 months before giving him solids. He is my first kid that has been so interested in food. This will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I stumble upon your blog every so often, you're such an inspiration as a mother! Would love an update on how everything's going!
